Only Three Giants’ Shoulders till Christmas

If you want to get that definitive, mind blowing, paradigm shifting post on the history of science into the hottest HOS blog carnival in town then you have just three chances left in the year 2010 and each of them is special themed.

On the 16th October Jai Virdi at From the Hands of Quacks is hosting a Visuals and Representation in the history and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine special which means you have just five days to submit your visually stunning entry.

On the 16th of November Egil Asprem will be hosting an Esoteric Science special at Heterodoxology.

“To the layman, the natural sciences have become increasingly “esoteric” in the sense of being hard to access and difficult to understand. Throughout its history, science has been esoteric in other senses as well, connected with attempts to unravel the secrets of the book of nature, the understanding of occult properties and forces, and the quest for absolute, higher knowledge. This edition of Giants’ Shoulders is dedicated to all those esoteric pursuits of knowledge; a celebration of all strange, alien, and counterintuitive methods that have been attempted to dissect, read, or tame nature’s secrets, from renaissance natural philosophy to present-day Grand Unified Theories – whether cleverly inventive, hopelessly megalomaniac, or simply misguided.”

The 16th December sees the appearance of A (Scientific) Christmas Carol a Giants Shoulder’s special 19th century science edition hosted by the Ghost of William Whewell at his own blog. So get working on those posts on Darwin, Owen, Buckland et al. Maxwell, Faraday, Kelvin and co, Boole, De Morgan, Frege and Peirce, Boltzmann, Diesel, Ohm, Mach und so weiter or which ever Victorian physicists, biologists, logicians, chemists or mathematicians excite, stimulate or turn you on.

As always posts on other topics in the history of science are more than welcome; submissions close on the 15th of each month and should be made either directly to Jai, Egil or Rebekah Higgit, who is acting as Professor Whewell’s secretary, or directly to Giants’ Shoulders.

About thonyc

Aging freak who fell in love with the history of science and now resides mostly in the 16th century.
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2 Responses to Only Three Giants’ Shoulders till Christmas

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Only Three Giants’ Shoulders till Christmas | Whewell's Ghost --

  2. Pingback: Representing astronomers: absent-minded or drunk? | Whewell's Ghost

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